Monday, March 8, 2010

Lesson Learned

When I was younger, nothing excited me more than being able to do adult activities with my mom. It was kind of like doing chores, but I was happy to do them because I thought that completing them made me a big girl. So one Sunday morning my mother was cooking breakfast, and with all the confusion of trying not to step on children while cooking and getting ready for church, she didn't notice me getting the ironing board. I'd seen her iron my dress a million times before, so I thought that I could do it. I got the iron, filled it with water, and plugged it in, just like my mother did. Then I ran and got a big wooden chair. When I was finally ready to start, I sprayed on the starch and started to iron my dress. It was turning out good at first, but then I remember my mom catching me, and when she did, it startled me and I accidentally burned my hand. She immediately got some water and tried to help soothe it, but it didn't help very much. I went through the rest of the day with a burnt hand, and let me tell you, it hurt! That day I learned that it's smarter to take things a step at a time. For example, instead of just getting up there and ironing my dress, I could have asked my mom for help and I would have learned a little at a time. That way I would have learned and I wouldn't have gotten burned.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Comma What?

My father had left our house in the midst of a fight between Lindsey and my mother. My mother was trying to get Lindsey to go with her to the Y to swim. Without thinking, Lindsey had blared, "I'd rather die!", at the top of her lungs. My father watched as my mother froze, then burst fleeing to their bedroom to wail behind the door. He quietly tucked his notebook in his jacket pocket, took the car keys off the hook by the back door, and snuck out.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Gossip Got Your Tongue

My conversations wouldn't consist of gossiping about my classmates at all. It would probably be on sports, the weather, news, or any upcoming events. Going through the triple filter would change my conversations a lot and for the better.

People probably gossip because there is nothing else to do in this town. We're all bored to death so the only thing we can do is talk about stuff that doesn't matter, like gossiping. That and they might gossip to make themselves feel better and have more self-confidence.

Monday, January 11, 2010

literary elements

1. satire- a literary work in which vices, follies, etc. are held up to ridicule and contempt.
2. irony- an event or result that is the opposite of what is expected.
3. analogy- similarity in some ways.
4. foreshadowing- to indicate or suggest beforehand.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Figurative Language

figurative- not in its literal sense; metaphorical.

figure of speech- an expression, as a metaphor or simile, using words in a nonliteral sense or unusual way.

imagery- mental images, or figurative language.

trope- figurative language or a word used in a figurative sense.

They all do not use a literal sense, but instead use something that is metaphorical or they use words in a different way.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Story Spinners: Option 3

As I regained consciousness, I remember asking myself, "Why me?". I looked up through my wet hair and tried to see where I was, but drops of icy rain froze my eyes shut. My body felt numb and I wasn't sure what kind of shape I was in. So I moved my legs around a bit and heard a sloshing sound. I looked down to see that I was three inches deep in a puddle that was still filling up. "Crap." I thought. "Now I'll never get dry."

I slowly stood up on my sore legs and stretched. I instantly doubled over in pain. After a few minutes of slow breathing, I went on to blame Luke for my condition. If he hadn't of suggested me go to the store, I wouldn't be in this mess! Then I remembered that he had suggested it, but I had just gone the day before. And even though I didn't need to go, I went anyways. "What a stupid idea!" I thought.

Then I remembered the black sudan waiting for me outside of the store. I remembered walking faster and faster, waiting for the sudan to turn, but it never did. Instead its headlights continued to shine on me and when I started to sprint, it ran me down and my pursuers chucked me into the trunk. When I woke up next, I was getting shoved down a long vestibule filled with people. I tried to scream out, but I realized that there was a gun to my back and a knife at my side.

I wasn't really thinking straight when I stopped and pointed the gun towards the mans partner. The man shot and everyone ducked, that gave me enough time to sprint towards the exit. I made it about halfway when the door swung open and another man came out with a gun. I lowered my shoulder and hit him out of my way, then I sprinted outside, praying that they wouldn't follow me. I heard one man yell over my shoulder, "You stubborn woman! Well get you sooner or later!"